Collection: Medium Dahlia Tubers (6-8" Bloom Size)

Our collection of Medium Dahlia Tubers, with blooms typically ranging from 6-8 inches, continues to reveal the possibilities in how dahlia tubers can be selected according to size and color to create a floral masterwork emerging from the ground up. This richness in the Dahlia Medium Tuber variety allows for unlimited design potential. 

Here are some varieties of Medium Dahlia Tubers that we particularly love: yellow to light pink Break Out Dahlia Small Tubers, cascading pink Feline Yvonne Dahlia Medium Tubers , and purple and white Misty Imagination Dahlia Tubers. These are but a few, and Bear Creek Farm offers additional 6 - 8 inch Dahlia Tuber varieties in colors such as honey yellow, pink coral, and variegated purple. Asking yourself how to grow Dahlia tubers? For information on how to grow dahlia tubers, read our blog post: Dahlias, a how-to guide.

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